Unlike conventional medicine, which focuses on treatment with medications, the specialized care offered at Cognitive Solutions in Meridian and serving Nampa, Boise and the Treasure Valley, emphasizes effective treatment with an alternative to harmful medications. We believe that all treatment should have and end game; but with medications, there is no end game in mind. Our treatment focuses on the possible causes of symptomatology and eliminating or reducing those root causes effectively. We also understand that medications can and often do have serious side effects, which is why we try to get our patients off these harmful substances.

If you have been suffering from ADHD or Autism, don’t wait another second to begin your road to help! At Cognitive Solutions, our services can assist patients with ADHD, Autism, learning disorders, and more. We can help, call us at (208) 938-1976 to schedule an appointment!

Our Mission

Our long-term goal in applying our Advanced Therapy is to improve brain functioning without medications and side effects. Because, neurological improvement can lead to better success with other treatments and therapies that focus on sensory integration, speech, behavior, social skills, education, and more!

We understand that with certain conditions unique challenges exist. That is why we are an advocate for you.

“It’s our goal to help you achieve your potential, by helping you learn how to unwrap your special gift.”