Is Neurofeedback effective?
Neurofeedback helps to resolve symptoms associated with many neurological conditions. Nothing is ever guaranteed to be 100% effective, but neurofeedback has shown to be extremely effective when utilized properly. Research has shown no negative effects, and the FDA recognizes neurofeedback has never produced a negative side effect.
Why should I see a Neurofeedback specialist that is a chiropractor?
Seeing a chiropractor is not only for back pain and neck pain. Chiropractic care has demonstrated that it is capable of keeping the nervous system operating at it’s optimal level and at its peak performance. Research has shown that when chiropractic care is given to a patient before neurofeedback therapy, the sessions are more productive, and the training tends to go faster. Also, nutrition plays a very important role in the health and wellness of the patient and who better to advise you than your chiropractor.
What does Neurofeedback Treat?
Neurofeedback treats the symptomology of many conditions and does not treat the condition itself. Research has shown that Neurofeedback reduces and even eliminate symptoms associated with ADHD, Anxiety/Panic, Autism/Asperger’s, Cognitive delay, Learning disorders, Fibromyalgia, Migraine headaches, OCD, and more.
Is Neurofeedback invasive?
No. Sensors are placed on the scalp and sense the brainwave activity going on inside the brain. The sensors are connected to a computer and the information from the patient is interpreted on the screen.
How long do results last?
Neurofeedback results are permanent. This therapy can be compared to learning to ride a bike. We start with training wheels, and learn to pedal and to balance ourselves on the bike. Over a period of time, the brain learned all it needed and the training wheels came off and riding a bike became history. Neurofeedback is the same. We train the brain and it never forgets.
Do you use medication?
We do not use medication a part of our treatment. However, if a patient starts care that is on medication, we communicate with their prescribing doctor about their therapy and the possible need to reduce or eliminate the medication. Neurofeedback tends to intesify the side effects of medication as the patient improves through treatment, which is why communication with their primary care provider or prescribing doctor is vital in the course of care.