Research has repeatedly confirmed the importance of timing and rhythm for performing physical and cognitive tasks and it has linked several mental health disorders to imbalances in neural timing such as Alzheimer’s, ADHD, schizophrenia, autism, the manic phase of bipolar and Parkinson’s. With interactive sessions using computer-based technology to match auditory stimuli and motor responses, Interactive Metronome® (IM) works as a rehabilitative neurotechnology to improve neural efficiency. And it is covered by insurance. You might have heard of it as the “video game to treat ADHD”.

What exactly is IM?
Interactive Metronome (IM) is an evidence-based program consisting of assessment and training tools widely used in educational and clinical settings to improve neurotiming. It uses a patented computer-based technology that requires the person to focus on video game-like auditory stimuli and react accordingly, thus synchronizing neural impulses within the parietal-frontal brain network. This concise and rigorous training works on millisecond level, improving cognitive, communicative, sensory and motor performance.
Improving neural efficiency and timing contributes to better performance in areas ranging from attention and processing speed to athletic performance. Thus, it is recommended for anybody expecting better motor, speech or cognitive functions.
Who is it for?
Deficits in neural efficiency can be found in mental health conditions such as ADHD, autism, speech development, motor disorders, attention, memory, reading, math and writing disabilities. Therefore, IM is recommended as a complementary program for people suffering from any related condition and also for neuro-rehabilitation such as from stroke or traumatic brain injuries.
At Cognitive Solutions, we specialize in helping children with disabilities (ADHD, Autism, Anxiety) and veterans but anyone in need of help is welcome.
How does it work?
Interactive Metronome® training is computer-based and its main elements are the main station, headphones and triggering devices.
It synchronizes body exercises with hand and/or foot triggers connected to the PC. With engaging software and games, the reaction to precise computer-generated metronome beats that you will hear either from the headphones will be measured.

The software used in IM consists of 11 animated, interactive games that were developed by professional gaming designers, so each IM session is fun and exciting. A regular session takes 25 minutes.
Does it work?
Some of the most trustworthy institutions you can think of researched on IM and these are their findings:
Harvard Medical School: “…preliminary research shows a 40% or more improvement on standardized neuropsychological measures of hyperactivity and spatial working memory in children diagnosed with ADHD”
Defense and Veterans Brain Injury Center: “IM groups showed re-myelination and reestablishment of critical white matter tracts and neural synchronization of bilateral prefrontal and parietal cortices while the control group demonstrated further decline”
University of Cincinnati: “Post-stroke rehab study on patients having strokes 2-23 years prior to study. IM training showed marked improvements in ability to grasp, pronate, and supinate affected arms and hands that had minimal active movement. Patients reported gains in ability to perform ADLs, self-efficacy and quality of life.”
How much does it cost?
Paying out of pocket, a regular session costs only $55.
Is it covered by Insurance?
Yes! In Idaho, most insurance companies would cover the visits under the categories of Occupational Therapy or Physical Therapy treatment.
What is the next step?
Just contact us by phone or filling out the form below to schedule a consultation.
1859 S Topaz Way, Suite 102
Meridian, ID 83642
Phone: (208) 938-1976
Send Us A Message
Please use this form for general information purposes only. DO NOT send personal health information through this form. Specific patient care must be addressed during your appointment.
Monday: 9:00am – 6:00pm
Tuesday: 9:00am – 6:00pm
Wednesday: 9:00am – 6:00pm
Thursday: 9:00am – 6:00pm
Friday: Closed
Saturday: Closed
Sunday: Closed
Cognitive Solutions: Serving Meridian, Nampa, Boise and the Treasure Valley