Neurofeedback, also known as biofeedback and neurotherapy, has been around for over 40 years. In the early 1960’s Dr. Barry Sterman found that he could train the brain of cats to produce a certain brainwave spontaneously, which he called SMR. He also found the SMR production stregthened the brain, which allowed the cats to resist the neurological effect of hydrazine (rocket fuel) when injected. A few years later, Dr. Joel Lubar applied neurofeedback to the study of ADD / ADHD. Dr. Lubar found that neurofeedback had tremendous results in alleviating the symptoms associated with ADD /ADHD. Since that time, research and private practice has found what is called Neurological Dysregulation, which is when the brain has an inability to regulate itself properly.

Today, we use neurofeedback to treat many neurologically based conditions that exhibit neurolocial dysregulation, such as ADD / ADHD, Autism / Asperger’s, developmental delay, Insomnia, Panic and Anxiety disorders, and much more. Dr. Woodward identifies neurological dysregulation through an examination and electroencephalagram (EEG) evaluation. Most medical doctors are unaware of this type of therapy because it lies outside of their scope of practice. And, because this therapy tends to either lessen the need, if not eliminate all together, the use of medication to control the symptomatology of the condition being treated. The best thing about neurofeedback therapy is that the changes made through the therapy are permanent.

Dr. Frank H. Duffy, a Professor and Pediatric Neurologist at Harvard stated:

“If any medication had demonstrated such a wide spectrum of efficacy as neurofeedback, it would be universally accepted and widely used.”